Vent Stack Update

Latest News on vent stack emissions on Corbawn Drive, provided by David Lawler who has been pursuing DLRCC and Irish Water for the past few years in an attempt to resolve this perennial problem once and for all. Irish Water called him yesterday (March 4) with timelines for the work they plan to complete this year.

  1. By end of March, complete survey of area for location of new stack.
  2. By end of April, liaise with DLRCC regarding land acquisition.
  3. By end of May, complete detailed design work.
  4. By end of July, submit planning if required (subject to DLRCC allowing progression)
  5. The timeline for progression to construction is subject to DLRCC permission and availability of budget. (David questioned what ‘availability of budget’ meant for obvious reasons and the response was that for it to get to this stage means that 3rd parties have already been informed and that it is a priority.

We shall publish updates as project progresses. Meanwhile, anybody who notices any mal odours from the stack are requested to notify xxxx in order to keep the pressure on top complete this.

Meanwhile, WELL DONE DAVID! from grateful residents for your persistent efforts to resolve this.